Sales Coaching

Coach Yvette


Yvette Alexander Slate is the Founder and Principal of Carried The Bag, LLC, a company specializing in professional development, business sales coaching and sales effectiveness strategies. Yvette has over thirty years of professional sales experience — developing people, relationships and producing results — in pivotal leadership roles, for major corporations like JC Penney Co., ADP and Huntington National Bank. Through Carried The Bag, she exercises her passion for personal and professional development by helping others sharpen their sales efforts with creative and business- focused solutions. 


Starting with her coaching sessions, Yvette Alexander Slate selects the right customized roadmap to growth for each client and business team. Whether she is coaching on practice development with accountants or attorneys, offering sales strategies in the manufacturing industry or leadership coaching to business owners, Yvette guides each individual to grow, gain confidence and sharpen personal skills. Her warm, engaging style puts people at ease to share in one-on-one or group meetings. The customized coaching that results from these relevant and thought-provoking sessions helps individuals to build authentic, enduring relationships that drive business development and growth. 


Unlike many development coaching firms, Yvette’s models are unique to her practice. Her insights are a fusion of intuitive talents, perceptive listening and a philosophy of professional growth based on twenty-plus years of experience in the business world, including fifteen years as principal of her coaching business. 


Yvette attended Cleveland State University, earning a Master’s degree in Psychology with a specialization in Diversity / Cultural Competency & Organizational Effectiveness. She is a Certified Diversity Practitioner (CDP) and infuses cultural competency with her customized one-on-one coaching and group sessions. 


Coach Yvette provides a level of comfort to her clients so that open and honest dialogue on diversity can be achieved. When the culture of an organization is assessed and evaluated, the outcomes will help identify the strengths and opportunity areas of companies. These results will assist leadership with managing and maintaining organizational effectiveness. Every individual brings their unique personality, experiences and perspectives to their respective companies and when they feel valued, everyone wins.


Ohio University College of Business

Executive Advisory Board Member 


Steering Committee Member 


Search Committee for Assistant Dean of DEI 


Executive Committee Board Member of the Schey Sales Centre 



Founder and Principal Member of Carried The Bag, LLC 

2006 - present 


WELD (Women for Economic Leadership and Development ) 

2014 Honoree 


President & CEO of Seven Circles of Hope, Inc. 

2010 - 2020 


Faculty Member at Otterbein University 


*To connect with Yvette, contact Carried The Bag, LLC at [email protected].

*For Yvette's complete biography as a downloadable pdf, click here.